On 29-30 May 2018 a two day partners’ meeting will be in Faro hosted by INTRA project's partner - University of Algarve.

During the meeting the Joint State of Affairs will be presented and the Joint Policy recommendations elaborated. The funds raising and financial instruments needed for internationalisation of SMEs and the role of governmental incentives will be discussed. 

On 30-31 May 2018, University of Algarve will host the Second Round of Study Visit to deepen the knowledge on identified good practices and enable the stakeholders of the partners Rapiv (Bulgaria) and Capitank (Italy) and the host to meed and discuss the potential collaboration. Special attention will be put on the 3 GPs, successfully implemented within OP in Algarve region:  

• Incentive to the Internationalisation of SMEs – Individual projects

• Incentive to the Internationalisation of SMEs – Joint projects

• Internationalisation Voucher.

All INTRA GPs can be found at: www.interregeurope.eu/intra/good-practices/