The first InnovaSPA stakeholders meeting took place in France at Thermauvergne association in the region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. The participants were the representatives of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, the Cluster Innovatherm, the University of Auvergne and the Thermal Medicine Interuniversity Institute, the association Thermhôtel, the Route des Villes d'Eaux du Massif central and the GIE Auvergne Thermale Qualité.

The first part of the meeting was dedicated to the presentation of the project and the selection of best practices for the region. The participants decided to push 3 best practices: the regional thermal plan 2026-2020, the Full Health Resort concept and the cluster Innovatherm.

The second part of the meeting was dedicated to the work on the SWOT Analysis of the region concerning the following themes: designing innovative cures and care solutions to invent new therapy formats, making healthcare, preventive care and rehabilitation more efficient, push preventative health and patients’ well-being for an healthy lifestyle, push scientific collaborative projects to invent new products or new concepts based on thermal spa water with normative specifications ensuring the reproducibility of protocols within the thermal spa companies and designing new regional thermal strategies for developing new policies in relation to the preventative health and thermalism measures.

This first meeting was a good opportunity for the stakeholders to learn more about the project and their future involvement in the project activities especially the learning based on exchanges of best practices, the study visits, the action plan and policies designing.