Between the 29th and 31st of May, Region Skåne (Sweden) will host the last INNO INFRA SHARE Study visit. The partners and stakeholders will have the opportunity to listen to several presentations and visit state of the art research and innovation sites. Partners will have a chance to visit MAX IV in Lund, the Swedish national laboratory inaugurated in 2016, as well as the European Spallation Source site and Medicon Village.

Partners will listen to presentations on two other Skåne’s good practices: the Materials Business Center, presented by Lars Tilly and the ProNano project, presented by Michael Salter at the RISE Institutes of Sweden. Michael Salter will also be the moderator during the inter regional learning workshop. In addition, the group will have the opportunity to meet professor Heiner Linke, guest speaker, who teaches nanophysics at Lund University. Dr. Linke will give a talk about “Nanoscience for Sustainable Energy” and will present an overview of the NanoLund, a center for nanoscience at Lund University. The NanoLund houses the Lund Nano Lab.  Jonas Bergholm, a business developer at Region Skåne will talk about Skåne as a region, Lund as an innovative city and Ideon Science Park, among other topics. Also, CEO and Director of core facilities will talk about the Smile Incubator that works closely with the Open Lab Skåne, one of project’s good practices that half the partnership had a chance to see during the last Peer review meeting in Malmö.