ZIBAC (Low Carbon Industrial Zones)
About this good practice
ZIBAC is a Call For Project carried out by the National Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME).
This call for projects is part of the industrial decarbonization acceleration strategy, one of whose objectives is to promote the development of Low Carbon Industrial Zones.
Through this program, the aim is for the State to support industrial territories in their ecological and energy transformation to enhance competitiveness and attractiveness, thereby supporting the recovery of economic activity. This program will also showcase French technologies, innovations, and industrial expertise on an international scale.
Projects must aim to accelerate the decarbonization of their industrial zone by implementing a set of investments, experiments, synergies, and innovations. They should be ambitious territorial projects in terms of decarbonization, climate resilience, and ecological transition, experimenting with and supporting organizational or technological solutions and innovative processes that address the challenges faced. These industrial zones must also incorporate a training strategy for their expansion or dissemination to other territories.
The current program also aims to create a national network of industrial zones particularly emitting GHGs that wish to accelerate their decarbonization. This network will provide each member industrial zone with a macroscopic and interregional approach to decarbonization actions, for example, by sharing common operations.
Resources needed
Fund of the Call for Project : 610 M€ (nationwide)
Identification of targeted sites that are GHS top nationwide emissive
Sensibilization of the Industrial companies that are GHS top emissive
Evidence of success
11 winners of the call for projects (natiowide) including 4 of them in Region Grand Est
Potential for learning or transfer
The basic idea behind ZIBAC is to find a way or leverage that will support the decarbonization of Industrial sites. Of course, each region faces its challenges, but some are common to all such as the energy transition. The relevancy comes from the fact that every action taken on these sites can reach and improve the livelihood of all the companies on-site and at the same time help the country reach its GHS emission reduction target.