
Latvian High Added Value and Healthy Food Cluster
Published on 02 March 2018

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Cluster operates as a membership association “Latvian high added value and healthy food cluster” established as a legal entity in 2015. It is based in the Vidzeme region, but as a triple helix network of members and partners involves stakeholders also from the Riga planning region.
Cluster fosters the development and market uptake of new products, promotes knowledge and technology transfer among cluster members, allows development and implementation of new projects as well as helps SME’s to internationalise their activities and find business partnerships abroad.
Key focus and activity areas of the cluster are:
• Networking, collaboration, knowledge and experience exchange;
• New product and technology development – food sector innovation;
• Increasing public awareness of high added value and healthy food;
• Strategic collaboration with other industry innovation players in EU: development of international cooperation with food and related industries clusters in the Baltic Sea Region and EU, development of collaboration with other industry clusters in Latvia.
Development of the cluster was initiated in 2010 by Vidzeme Planning Region and two R&D institutions. Currently, the network involves 33 organisations, the majority of them are innovative and export-oriented food and drinks industry SME's. A cluster is actively collaborating with other Food clusters and various organisations across the Baltic Sea Region.
Cluster fosters the development and market uptake of new products, promotes knowledge and technology transfer among cluster members, allows development and implementation of new projects as well as helps SME’s to internationalise their activities and find business partnerships abroad.
Key focus and activity areas of the cluster are:
• Networking, collaboration, knowledge and experience exchange;
• New product and technology development – food sector innovation;
• Increasing public awareness of high added value and healthy food;
• Strategic collaboration with other industry innovation players in EU: development of international cooperation with food and related industries clusters in the Baltic Sea Region and EU, development of collaboration with other industry clusters in Latvia.
Development of the cluster was initiated in 2010 by Vidzeme Planning Region and two R&D institutions. Currently, the network involves 33 organisations, the majority of them are innovative and export-oriented food and drinks industry SME's. A cluster is actively collaborating with other Food clusters and various organisations across the Baltic Sea Region.
Resources needed
The basic budget consists of membership fees that are different for companies depending on their turnover. Resources needed for the basic administration of the cluster management - 10-15 000 EUR/year. All additional activities, such as projects or project co-financing is funded on ad-hoc bases.
Evidence of success
Since the cluster inception in 2010, it has been involved in many internationalisation activities and projects and thus has built a strong international collaboration network with other clusters, R&D organizations and industry networks in EU.
In 2017 and in 2018 cluster has been invited to join three consortiums that have developed and submitted the H2020 project applications.
A bronze label of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative since November 2016.
In 2017 and in 2018 cluster has been invited to join three consortiums that have developed and submitted the H2020 project applications.
A bronze label of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative since November 2016.
Potential for learning or transfer
Cluster act as a continually growing triple helix network of industry, universities, R&D institutions and public sector organisations, coordinated by regional development administrative authority. It serves as a networking, innovation development and internationalisation platform for its members.
-Access to the European Internal market;
-Internationalisation support (access to third countries markets);
-Facilitation of collaboration between members;
-Facilitation of cross-sectorial cooperation;
-Innovation Management /support of innovation processes (internal, external).
Latvian high added value and healthy food cluster is one of the most developed and internationally active food industry clusters in the Baltics and can share the experience in developing and participating in several international projects with other clusters in Europe as well as develops joint projects in the areas of food innovation, food waste to value, food packaging and design, gourmet tourism.
-Access to the European Internal market;
-Internationalisation support (access to third countries markets);
-Facilitation of collaboration between members;
-Facilitation of cross-sectorial cooperation;
-Innovation Management /support of innovation processes (internal, external).
Latvian high added value and healthy food cluster is one of the most developed and internationally active food industry clusters in the Baltics and can share the experience in developing and participating in several international projects with other clusters in Europe as well as develops joint projects in the areas of food innovation, food waste to value, food packaging and design, gourmet tourism.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Vidzeme Planning Region

Project manager