
Funding leveraging
Published on 23 July 2020

Východné Slovensko
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
In Hauts-de-France, the companies unfortunately do not participate enough in European projects, and particularly in Shift2Rail projects (according to our topic).
During the visit of the company TATRAVAGONKA, we noticed that a new bogie was financed thanks to a Shift2Rail project.
Today, the company is able to sell this bogie and meet the customer needs and requirements.
Stakeholders : Both the manufacturing company and the customer of the company.
During the visit of the company TATRAVAGONKA, we noticed that a new bogie was financed thanks to a Shift2Rail project.
Today, the company is able to sell this bogie and meet the customer needs and requirements.
Stakeholders : Both the manufacturing company and the customer of the company.
Resources needed
According to the calls
Evidence of success
By benefiting from this financial aid, the company did not have to finance its project directly and was then able to finance other projects.
Potential for learning or transfer
The practice itself not really a transferable because Shift2Rail projects are also open for Hauts-de-France companies. The message that the Hauts-de-France companies have to take into account is that they have to invest more in innovative railway projects. This subject is a basic observation and led to the implementation of our project RECORD.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Technical University of Kosice

Východné Slovensko
European projects coordinator