
Call for proposals - Support to the competitiveness repositioning of local entrepreneurial systems
Published on 28 June 2018

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Raising the competitiveness of the regional economic system is an horizontal objective in the planned development policies in Lazio Region.
Lazio Region has meant to start a bottom-up process in order to bring out from the territory the real needs of the different production systems in order to implement policy instruments targeted.
Lazio Region ERDF Management body has launched a call for proposals for the presentation of “horizontal projects” to give the possibility to let start a process in the territory able to produce complex proposals aimed to the competitive repositioning with an high level of scientific and technological contents.
The involved actors were the enterprises and their aggregations, Universities, Research Centers, Public bodies and other stakeholders.
In this first horizontal phase was not been provided funding.
The evaluation of the complex projects has been realized by Lazio Region assisted by a mix of experts. Proposals for competitive repositioning strategies have been validated, by the point of view economic and market impact, with the scientific support of the London Business School.
The complex set of different competitive repositioning strategies selected, was the basis of targeted calls for “vertical projects” that will enable companies and research organizations to submit funding requests for the implementation of research projects, innovation, investments, efficiency and internationalization in line with the approved strategies.
Lazio Region has meant to start a bottom-up process in order to bring out from the territory the real needs of the different production systems in order to implement policy instruments targeted.
Lazio Region ERDF Management body has launched a call for proposals for the presentation of “horizontal projects” to give the possibility to let start a process in the territory able to produce complex proposals aimed to the competitive repositioning with an high level of scientific and technological contents.
The involved actors were the enterprises and their aggregations, Universities, Research Centers, Public bodies and other stakeholders.
In this first horizontal phase was not been provided funding.
The evaluation of the complex projects has been realized by Lazio Region assisted by a mix of experts. Proposals for competitive repositioning strategies have been validated, by the point of view economic and market impact, with the scientific support of the London Business School.
The complex set of different competitive repositioning strategies selected, was the basis of targeted calls for “vertical projects” that will enable companies and research organizations to submit funding requests for the implementation of research projects, innovation, investments, efficiency and internationalization in line with the approved strategies.
Expert opinion
The approach taken in the practice is highlights the merits of bottom-up strategy building to provide a framework for action-oriented projects, anchored in regional needs and influenced by input from triple-helix actors. This approach could provide interesting insights to other regions and managing authorities considering changes in programming as a means to better support regional competitiveness.
Works at
Resources needed
No funding necessary for phase 1. The total available funds for “vertical projects” have been established in 150 million of euros, which may be increased depending on the quality of the proposals submitted.
The entire budget has been guaranteed by the Lazio Region through the ROP ERDF 2014-2020.
The entire budget has been guaranteed by the Lazio Region through the ROP ERDF 2014-2020.
Evidence of success
The most important innovation brought by this new methodology is to change the behavior in funding programming actions that don’t is based more from the decision taken from above but are structured on a planning capacity coming from the territory. As results of the first “horizontal” phase, have been approved 154 complex projects for competitive repositioning actions of the regional entrepreneurial systems.
Potential for learning or transfer
The proved success of the strategy it is easily replicable by all the other European Management Authorities that want to change their approach in the management of European Structural Funds (ERDF).
It should be a perfect strategy to be adopted in the next programming period.
It should be a perfect strategy to be adopted in the next programming period.
Further information
Good practice owner
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Lazio Region

EU Project Manager