Conclusions and material
Thank you for your active participation in during the Project training days!
In this section you will find the material from the event.

Give us feedback
Have your say and let us know what you thought about the Project training days.
Beyond the Project training days, we are also keen to hear about other improvements you might have in mind for our events. What kind of follow-up would you like to receive after an event? How would you like to stay in contact with the other participants? Let us know and fill in our survey.

Day 1: Finance
You can download the presentation slides and additional material below. All presentations are merged in one file. In the compiled slide set, you'll find information about:
- Basic reporting principles, legal framework and verification of expenditure
- Eligibility of expenditure (staff costs, office and administration, travel and accommodation costs)
- Reporting in the Portal
- External expertise and services, equipment, infrastructure and works and public procurement
In addition, the procurement cards used in one of the exercises are available as a separate file.
Download the material (2 files)
Day 1 - Finance reporting (full presentation)
Day 1 - Procurement cards
During the opening session, we shared a short video that takes you through the details of the 20% flexibility rule. For a re-cap, have a look at the video below. Feel free to share it with your project partners too.

Day 2: Activities and results
You can download the presentation slides and additional material below. The presentations cover:
- Introduction to the reporting process
- Sharing good practices
- Reporting activities (joint progress report)
- Reporting results (policy report)
In addition, you can also download some additional information about the practical exercises and good practice validation.
Download the material (12 files)
Day 2 - Reporting results
Day 2 - Reporting activities
Day 2 - Good practices (submission and validation)
Day 2 - Activities and results reporting (introduction)
Day 2 - Practical exercise (results)
Day 2 - Practical exercise (learning process and Platform)
Day 2 - Practical exercise (workplan)
Day 2 - Practical exercise (PR2 clarifications)
Good practice template (pdf)
Good practice template (doc)
Joint progress report template (activity part)
Good practice validation project guidance note.pdf
Good practice validation guidance note for projects. Version dated 26/10/2023.

Day 3: Communication
You can download the presentation slides and additional material below. We've compiled all presentations together in one set, covering:
- Communication requirements, website and visuals
- Project videos and storytelling
- World café
In addition to the presentations, we are working on a summary from the world café discussions and other additional information, so more will follow soon.
Download the material (1 file)
Day 3 - Communication (full presentation)
During the storytelling session, we shared a video from one of our previous projects. See what the partners of RaiSE project achieved through cooperation. For additional inspiration, you'll find additional videos from other projects in the same playlist. You can also watch the full video series in YouTube.
Video and photos
We've captured three intensive days of trainings into a short summary video. Have a look and see how many familiar faces you can spot!
Take a look at some selected snapshots from the Project training days below.
What were your event highlights? Share you pictures on social media with: #ProjectTrainingDays @interregeurope

Participants and networking
Looking for contacts of someone you met during the event? You can still make use of the attendee list and reach out to other project partners whom you met (or didn't have time to connect with) during the event.
More info and useful links
We hope the Project training days gave you new ideas and inspiration to continue your project implementation. Good luck for the next steps and see you soon in one of our upcoming events!
Useful links
Upcoming events for projects
- 20 October (10:00-11:30 CET): Q&A on financial reporting - register for the webinar
- November (exact dates tbc): Networking events for first call projects - registration will open soon
For more, see also our other upcoming events. We will be at the European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels on 9-12 October and our Policy Learning Platform organises different types of events on a regular basis. Keep an eye on our website for next dates and take note of events that match your interests.