On June 4, 2018, The Autonomous Region of Sardinia (partner of ENERSELVES) organized a dissemination event of the project within the framework of the EUSEW 2018 that was held in Brussels.

ENERSELVES project partners and stakeholders met at the 13th edition of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), the annual Policy Conference with prominent personalities and a diverse program of sessions and side events to discuss and shape the future energy of Europe.

The event brought together public authorities, private companies, NGOs and consumers to promote initiatives of energy saving initiatives and move towards a clean, safe and efficient power. The meeting was opened by the Coordinator of the Brussels Office - Relations with the European Union, Massimiliano Cambuli and the Director of the Energy and Green Economy Service, Stefano Piras.

Maria Grazia Piras highlighted the possibility offered by ENERSELVES and EUSEW to illustrate to a qualified public, composed of public authorities, private companies and consumers, the strategies adopted by the Department thanks to the Energy and Green Economy Service to promote initiatives aimed at saving energy and to obtain clean, safe and efficient energy. ENERSELVES will allow the Region to intervene with actions financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds and improve existing ones to support the integration of renewable energy resources in public buildings. "Our point of reference is the Regional Environmental Energy Plan with which we have anticipated some measures contained in the National Energy Strategy for the remodelling of public buildings focused on efficiency and self-consumption to reduce climate emissions associated with a 50% consumption by 2030. " said the Regional Minister of Industry RAS Maria Grazia Piras.

The intervention of the Head of Unit of the Directorate General for Energy of the European Commission was based on the importance of cities to achieve the environmental objectives of the EU. Strachinescu said that "cities are the engines of the European economy and are indispensable to achieve EU climate and energy objectives".

In his speech, Andreea Strachinescu, responsible for the Lighthouse project and the EIP-SCC, said that "Smart City projects are common in all European cities and improve the quality of life of citizens." Projects can be financed with various sources; the European Union, the city, the regional or national circumscription, the private sector and even through crowdfunding, we are creating a virtual market where demand joins the supply through joint solutions with projects ".

Anna Kucharczyk presented the 'Umbrella' project as a good practice that the Świętokrzyskie region is implementing to improve the use of renewable energies in Poland. It consists of the construction of infrastructure for the production of electricity and heat from renewable sources with the possibility of connection to the net. distribution network. The energy generated by the assembled plants must be consumed mainly by the parties involved in the project and only the surplus can be fed to the distribution network. 

Daniel Encinas Martín, technical coordinator of AGENEX, examined the different approaches of the ENERSELVES partners in the development of electric self-consumption. His overview of the European situation took into account both the individual nations' approach to green energy and the normative aspect derived from the starting conditions of the various European countries. Encinas highlighted the difficulties common to all European states in the development of self-consumption technologies, but also what are the strengths that can be replicated in countries that have similar climatic/political conditions.

The intervention ended with considerations on how the market for electric self-consumption will evolve in the next period, allowing Europe to reduce emissions and transit towards the use of cleaner energy.