During the 4th Steering Committee on 3rd July, ECOWASTE4FOOD project partners will review progress achieved during the 3rd semester. Key project deliverables will be introduced by the communication agency MARS in charge of implementing ECOWASTE4FOOD communication strategy: a brochure of eco-innovative good practices, a matrix of the food system and food waste innovations and first original infographics on food waste in Europe.

The 4th Stakeholder Committee will gather more than 30 participants including project partners, stakeholders and experts from Finland, Greece, Poland, England, Spain, Italy and France. Sud Region/PACA Councilor Mrs Anne Claudius-Petit will open this Committee.

Involvement of local/regional stakeholders in designing action plans that contribute to reduce food waste will be the core of the agenda. On the last day, participants will list eco-innovative good practices to be transfered/replicated or to go to scale in/among regions through action plans and will sum-up financial instruments they intend to mobilize as well as possible pilot actions.