Organisation image Last update: 07 Oct 2024 Hawk Stars - Associação para a Educação, Inovação e Desenvolvimento Social International organisation Portugal ( Centro (PT) ) Region types : Predominantly rural region (3+) Predominantly rural region Mountain region Border region Interested in Lead a project Join a project Find policy solutions Get expert policy advice Topic interests Social Citizens Governance Expertises 23 You want to get the organisation contact details? Organisation members Project contributions Social network Sign up to access to the contact details Organisation members 1 members Hawk Stars NGO for Education, Innovation & Social Development President Hawk Stars - Associação para a Educação, Inovação e Desenvolvimento Social Portugal Interested in Lead a project +3 Topic interests Social Labour market and employmentEducation and lifelong learningSocial inclusionIntegration of 3rd country nationalsHealthcareCulture and sustainable tourism Citizens Integrated urban developmentIntegrated non-urban development Governance Policy governance Member's expertise Sign up to see member's expertise You might want to connect with 8279 organisation(s) See all organisations Generic organisation image> Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка Ukraine New country Education and research institution Members are interested in Join a project +2 Generic organisation image> Eurelectric Belgium Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/ Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Interest group Members are interested in Find policy solutions +1 Generic organisation image> Primaria Municipiului Slatina Romania Sud-Vest Oltenia Local public authority Members are interested in Join a project +3 Generic organisation image> Веселівська селищна рада Ukraine New country Local public authority Members are interested in Lead a project +4 Generic organisation image> Reva-Szolg Ltd. Hungary Budapest Interest group Members are interested in Find policy solutions Generic organisation image> Būvniecības valsts kontroles birojs Latvia Latvija National public authority Members are interested in Lead a project +4 Generic organisation image> Bobrovytsia City Council Ukraine New country Local public authority Members are interested in Lead a project +4 Generic organisation image> NGO Agency of European Innovations Ukraine New country Other Members are interested in Join a project +3 Generic organisation image> SPACE UP INNOVATION FACTORY SRL Italy Marche Business support organisation Members are interested in Lead a project +3 Приватна наукова установа "Науково-дослідний університет медичного та фармацевтичного права" Ukraine New country Education and research institution Members are interested in Lead a project +3 Generic organisation image> Заклад вищої освіти Міжнародний науково-технічний університет імені академіка Юрія Бугая Ukraine New country Education and research institution Members are interested in Lead a project +4 Radomyshl city council Ukraine New country Local public authority Members are interested in Lead a project +4 Generic organisation image> Комунальна установа "Агенція розвитку міста" Житомирської міської ради Ukraine New country Agency - different from business support Members are interested in Lead a project +4 Generic organisation image> Razvojna agencija Sinergija Slovenia Vzhodna Slovenija Other Members are interested in Join a project +1 Generic organisation image> საქართველოს რეგიონული განვითარებისა და ინფრასტრუქტურის სამინისტრო Georgia National public authority Members are interested in Find policy solutions +2
Hawk Stars NGO for Education, Innovation & Social Development President Hawk Stars - Associação para a Educação, Inovação e Desenvolvimento Social Portugal Interested in Lead a project +3
Generic organisation image> Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка Ukraine New country Education and research institution Members are interested in Join a project +2
Generic organisation image> Eurelectric Belgium Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/ Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Interest group Members are interested in Find policy solutions +1
Generic organisation image> Primaria Municipiului Slatina Romania Sud-Vest Oltenia Local public authority Members are interested in Join a project +3
Generic organisation image> Веселівська селищна рада Ukraine New country Local public authority Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image> Reva-Szolg Ltd. Hungary Budapest Interest group Members are interested in Find policy solutions
Generic organisation image> Būvniecības valsts kontroles birojs Latvia Latvija National public authority Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image> Bobrovytsia City Council Ukraine New country Local public authority Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image> NGO Agency of European Innovations Ukraine New country Other Members are interested in Join a project +3
Generic organisation image> SPACE UP INNOVATION FACTORY SRL Italy Marche Business support organisation Members are interested in Lead a project +3
Приватна наукова установа "Науково-дослідний університет медичного та фармацевтичного права" Ukraine New country Education and research institution Members are interested in Lead a project +3
Generic organisation image> Заклад вищої освіти Міжнародний науково-технічний університет імені академіка Юрія Бугая Ukraine New country Education and research institution Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Radomyshl city council Ukraine New country Local public authority Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image> Комунальна установа "Агенція розвитку міста" Житомирської міської ради Ukraine New country Agency - different from business support Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image> Razvojna agencija Sinergija Slovenia Vzhodna Slovenija Other Members are interested in Join a project +1
Generic organisation image> საქართველოს რეგიონული განვითარებისა და ინფრასტრუქტურის სამინისტრო Georgia National public authority Members are interested in Find policy solutions +2