The CircPro project aims at promoting the transition to a more circular economy by increasing the implementation of circular public procurement (CPP). To ease the uptake of CPP in their regions, the project partners have developed regional guidebooks on circular procurement for all ten CircPro partner regions. The guidebooks provide general and country-/region- specific overview and support materials on circular procurement procedures and practices for policy-makers, procurers and suppliers. The aim is to raise the awareness of the regional stakeholders regarding CPP and provide them with tools and suggestions on how to implement CPP in an effective and efficient way in the future.

The guidebooks are tailored to the needs of the regional stakeholders and, thus, slightly differ from each other. Nevertheless, the majority of them contain the following information:

  • Circular procurement definition and approaches

This part describes how circular procurement relates to other procurement concepts (sustainable, green, low-carbon procurement and procurement of innovation) and how circular procurement cases can be categorised.

  • Legal and regulatory framework for circular procurement in the EU

This chapter outlines documents that set the framework for circular procurement in the EU.

  • National and regional legal and other support measures for circular procurement

This part focuses on national and regional policies, strategies, programmes and support structures found in a particular CircPro partner country or region that can facilitate the implementation of circular procurement in the region. These chapters give a good overview of how different regions across Europe promote environment-friendly procurement. These parts of the regional guidebooks facilitate interregional learning and outline some inspirational practices.

  • Step-by-step guidance for circular procurement

The central part of the guidebook contains guidelines for public procurers on how circularity aspects can be added to each step of a procurement process.

In addition to the versions in English developed for all CircPro project partner regions, some regional guidebooks are available also in national languages (for example, in Finnish).

You can find the guidebooks on the CircPro web Library section, in the folder CircPro Regional Guidebooks, and read them more carefully.