Valérie Bergeron

Manager at MaterFAD, materials centre in Barcelona and Architect DPLG in Architecture and Urban Planning

Email : [email protected]

1. Who are you? Introduce yourself and your functions in your company in a few lines?

I am Valérie Bergeron, Manager at MaterFAD, materials centre in Barcelona (Spain) and Architect DPLG in Architecture and Urban Planning by Ecole National Supérieure d’Architecture - Paris-la Défense.
Since 2007, I am in charge of MaterFAD at the FAD, Fostering Arts and Design, a non-profit cultural institution dedicated to the promotion of design and architecture.
I coordinate, for FAD, permanent and temporary exhibitions related with Materfad's activities and lecture on architecture, museography and innovative materials for different professional and educational programs.
I work as an architect, museographer and industrial designer in Barcelona, after having previously collaborated with architectural firms in Milan, Paris and Barcelona as senior architect, in projects of museums such as Musée d'Orsay (Paris), Asiatic Art Museum ( San Francisco), Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris), Palazzo Grassi (Venice) and MNAC, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (Barcelona).

2. Explain us your circular project in a few lines?

MaterFAD has been created:
•    to improve the impact of our consumption on the planet, through a responsible, healthy and energetically effective use of materials
•    to connect all the actors of a responsible world: companies, disciplines, projects, people and illusions
•    to select and promote materials with potential to generate new uses, new consumption and new manufacturing
•    to make these materials available to society, professionals, companies and to the educational world through training, consulting and dissemination
•    MaterFAD promotes Advanced Research, participating in European projects focused on Emerging Materials, Materials Designers, Circular Economy, Design Driven Approach in 2019-2020 Creative Europe & Erasmus programmes.

3. Is CE model more of a challenge or a chance to make new innovative products for your company ?

The CE Model is both a huge challenge and the unique chance for solving a dramatic situation at planetary level.

4. How did you know about the Circe project?

I had the chance to be invited to participate as a stakeholder by the General Directorate for Environmental and Natural Policy of the Generalitat of Catalonia.