Within the BIOREGIO project, seven Good Practices have been identified in the Pays de la Loire Region, FRANCE. Good Practices are cooperation models or technologies, which are successfully proved in practice and fulfil the criteria stated at the beginning of the BIOREGIO implementation.   

Overview of the Good Practices 

1. Reducing bio-waste from domestic waste

Implementation of an integrated service to manage waste and incentive charging to reduce the share of bio-waste in domestic waste.

Full text available here.

2. Biomethane from anaerobic digestion of agricultural wastes 

Biomethane produced from farming waste supplied by neighbouring farms. Production of this renewable energy is part of a local bio-based circular economy.

Full text available here.

3. Farm carbon footprint reduction through fermentable waste valorization by anaerobic digestion

Valorisation of livestock manure from the experimental farm in the anaerobic digestion unit and valorisation of digestates on the farm plot.

Full text available here.

4. West Grid Synergy Project

Intelligent gas station allowing “reverse” streams to facilitate renewable gas distribution into gas grids.

Full text available here.

5. Valorizing green waste in the garden

Change residents' practices to avoid green waste disposal in landfills.

Full text available here.

6. Food production and waste disposal on an island: local loop on l’Ile d’Yeu

In a constraining context linked to its insularity, the Municipality of Ile d'Yeu implements a local biological loop promoting food short circuits and recovery of bio-waste to fight against expensive and difficult waste management.

Full text available here.

7. Cluster Methatlantique 

The ambition of the cluster is to boost the AD sector in the region and strengthen existing and planned sites, as well as to promote the emergence of new sites.

Find more information on all BIOREGIO bio-based circular economy-related good practices here.