An Interdepartmental Circular Economy Group has been established by the Polish Ministry of Development.

The aim of the group is to:

•    identify opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses in the context of the transition towards CE,
•    develop a position with regard to the European Union initiatives related to the transformation towards CE,
•    develop a roadmap for the implementation of CE in Poland, specifying the objectives and priorities along with their time horizon and institutions responsible for their implementation.

The group held its first meeting on 8th November 2016. The idea of CE was introduced to all appointed group members from various areas: environment, education, energy, infrastructure, social policy, agriculture and public health. 

The second group meeting took place on 19th January 2017 included a discussion about the Circular Economy Roadmap project developed by the Ministry of Development. The group decided to create four thematic teams (waste, bioeconomy, business models, and soft actions), which will consist of industrial and socioeconomic partners.
