RETRACE library 

RETRACE library contains all the communication activities carried by the project, including press releases and videos. 

RETRACE Communication Strategy aims to reach different target groups at the local, regional and European level, including policy-makers, policy managers, industry associations, clusters, research and knowledge centers, NGOs, public services, academic institutions and stakeholders.

The objectives are:

 - To raise awareness among regional politicians and policy-makers, as well as between industrial and business sector and society, in the tangible benefits for a transition towards Circular Economy

 - To deliver a Policy Road Map, making visible the benefits of adopting Systemic Approaches in the transition towards a Circular Economy and providing a pathway with necessary steps needed to be undertaken with that purpose, including policy recommendations for the update of regional/national RIS3 strategies in relation to the transition to more systemic approaches

 - To disseminate project results at the widest level through three publications (RETRACE Method for Systemic Approaches on Circular Economy; RETRACE Good Practices Guide on Systemic Approaches on Circular Economy; Policy Road Map for a Systemic Approach on Circular Economy) looking for synergies with other Iinterreg Europe related projects, existing networks and initiatives in the Circular Economy field

-To contribute with good practices, policy briefs and recommendations to the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform on Environment and Resource Efficiency.



 The activities foreseen to reach the defined goals vary in relation to the target group addresses. They include:

 - Apprearances on social media and press

 - Newsletter periodically sent to stakeholders

- Three publications of results

 - Project brochure

 - Video reporting field visits

 - 6 stakeholder group meetings

 - 10 regional dissemination events

 - 2 interregional dissemination events