In 2018, eight of the largest companies in Agder participated in the pilot Green Planet Strategy (GPS), a competence and business development programme designed to increase competitiveness through sustainability strategies. The results from the project proves that profitability and sustainability can co-exist in harmony.

The aim of the project has been to better understand the link between sustainability and competitiveness and give companies increased competitive advantages through sustainability. GPS builds upon thorough research done at Industrial Economics and Technology Management at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), but it also takes into account the specific needs and growth opportunities of each company. This makes GPD different from other sustainability programmes.

The companies in Agder have been given access to a number of practical tools and best practice recommendations. They have also benefited from meeting others in the same situation through the GPS network meetings. The project has proved to be very successful and shows that profitability is fully compatible with sustainability.

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