Building resilient economies has become more and more a relevant topic for policy makers since trends like e.g. the digital transformation and the necessity to make an efficient use of resources are increasingly putting our economies under the increasing pressure of deep transformation processes. Those processes can lead over time to the disparition of complete sectors of the economy.

But also, more sudden events like the closure or large employers, natural disasters or the Covid-19 pandemic can generate heavy economic shocks and massively threaten companies’ development and survival.  

What it will be about?  

The webinar will present experiences from regions having coped with crisis such as the collapse of an anchor firm in Oulu (Finland) or the collapse of the bridge in Genoa (Italy) as well as the transformation of the regional economy in Pannon (Hungary), moving away from the dependence to the automotive industry. A discussion will take place how previous experiences and Interreg Europe can help regions overcoming the Covid-19 crisis and its economic consequences. 

Success story from Oulu (Finland) – how to recover from an anchor firm’s collapse? – early stage support measures – presented by Juha Ala-Mursula from BusinessOulu – Oulu’s economic development company – FOUNDATION project  

Tapping into the potential of failed businesses – experiences from the REBORN project– presented by Pietro De Martino from FILSE Financial Agency of Liguria Region 

How to transform and strengthen the local economy – case from Hungary – presented by Balázs Barta from Pannon Business Network Association – FOUNDATION project 

How to build resilient economies of the future? – Panel discussion with the speakers and Esteban Pelayo, Director of EURADA European Association of Development Agencies