The 3B’s Group (Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics) is engaged in finding workable solutions to certain societal problems, namely: a) to develop novel biomaterials based on natural polymers for applications in drug delivery and tissue engineering of bone, cartilage and skin; b) developing services and products in the areas of stem cells and materials technology. 

How does the practice reach its objectives: the 3B’s Research Group has been built based on an interdisciplinary research approach where collaboration and cooperation are hallmarks of its culture. Collaborative long-term partnerships have been developed with universities in Europe, Asia, and North America that have been providing opportunities for student and postdoctoral exchange programs and joint research projects. It was established in 1998 at the University of Minho and it supports a multidisciplinary and highly skilled team which works at the interface of biotechnology, biology, biomedical engineering and materials science. It´s objetives are also implemented by promoting spin-offs: Stemmatters it´s de first spin-off of the Group and is now developing services and products in the areas of stem cells and materials technology. 

Main Stakeholders:

  • University of Minho
  • University of Porto
  • University of Aveiro
  • University of Lisboa
  • University of Lisboa/Universidade Nova de Lisboa
  • University College London
  • FCT – Science and Technology Portuguese Foundation
  • City Hall of Guimarães

3B's Research Group Awarded in “Os Melhores do Portugal Tecnológico” (The best at Tech Portugal) by Portuguese Tech Magazine "Exame Informática"

3B's Research Group - University of Minho, awarded for the development of tissue regeneration prototipes using 3D printers.


Project TEAMING The Discoveries Centre, coordenated by 3B's-UMinho, approved by the EuropeanCommission

Large center has UMinho leadership and results from a partnership with University College London (UCL) and four other Portuguese universities

The European Commission (EC) approved the application to finance the creation of a new large research center of European excellence which will be based in Portugal and will operate under the coordination of the University of Minho. In addition to the 15 million euros of direct funding from the EC, with the support of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the Regional Coordination and Development Commissions (CCDR) of the North, Center and Lisbon and Vale of the Tagus.