DIGITAL REGIONS project partners from Government of Cantabria in Spain will organise another online session for partners and stakeholders on the 29th of September: 'Policy measures for stimulating participation of SMEs in regional I4.0 initiatives'.

The workshop will have the target of giving a global perspective about the digitalisation impact on the methods, skills and technologies are offering to the companies and organisations, especially in the automotive and health sectors. At the same time, the workshop will make a compilation of different policies at regional level and their impact on the industrial digitalisation.

The workshop will help industrial associations, clusters, companies and SMES as well as regional policy developers to take in consideration the experience of companies and industrial sectors from Cantabria, the tools implemented and the results achieved.

Programme (CET time)

10:00 - 10:30  | WelcomeFrancisco Javier Lopez Marcano. Regional Minister of Industry, Tourism, Innovation, Transport and Commerce and, Jorge Muyo. Regional Director of Innovation.

10:30 - 11:30 | Workshop about best practices at regional level. Health and digitalisation

  • Regional technology solutions to the COVID situation. Santiago Garcia Blanco. DG Information systems, SCSalud. Regional Government of Cantabria.
  • Best Practices I4.0 at health sector. Ignacio del Moral. General Manager Hospital Virtual Valdecilla.
  • Analysis of the regional trends about Industry 4.0. Jorge Muyo. DG Innovation. Regional Government of Cantabria.

11:15 - 12:15 | Workshop about best practices in Industry 4.0.

  • Best practices developed for the Policy measures for stimulating participation of SMEs in regional I4.0 initiatives. SEG AUTOMOTIVE SPAIN and EDSCHA/GESTAMP SPAIN.